I went to the Rockvale outlet mall in Lancaster, PA for the annual Philadelphia Eagles autograph signing to support the Eagles Pro Shop there. As usual it's run a little weird and not the way I would do it but I did get each of the four signers. There was 4 signers at 2 different time slots and four different lines so basically your in line for 3 hours, but guess I can't complain it's a free signing and usually you can get each player sometimes more then once when the times get to the end and everyone has gone thought you can hope over and get another one.
Here is who/what I got done:
1) Brandon Boykin - 3 8x10's.
2) Riley Cooper - 3 8x10's.
3) Jon Dorendos - 2 8x10's.
4) Earl Wolff - 2 8x10's & Advertising Picture.
Brandon Boykin Autographed Picture |
Jon Dorendos Autographed Pictures |
Riley Cooper Autographed Pictures |
Earl Wolff Autographed Pictures |
Brandon Boykin @ Rockvale |
Jon Dorenbos @ Rockvale |
Earl Wolff @ Rockvale |
Riley Cooper @ Rockvale |
Those are nice. My son would've liked that!