Saturday, March 29, 2014

1996 Leaf Signature Series Extended Autographs

I purchased 5 - 20 card lots of these off of Ebay, of the 100 total cards I got 51 different.  So if you see any of the following you want or need let me know I probably have a second and we can make a trade.
1) Archi Cianfrocco - Padres
2) Omar Daal - Expos
3) Rich DeLucia - Giants
4) Mark Dewey - Giants
5) Alex Diaz - Mariners
6) Ken Edenfield - Yankees
7) Mark Eichhorn - Angels
8) John Ericks - Pirates
9) Alvaro Espinoza - Indians
10) Jorge Fabregas - Angels
11) Mike Fetters - Brewers
12) John Flaherty - Padres
13) Bryce Florie - Padres
14) Lou Frazier - Rangers
15) Craig Grebeck - Marlins
16) Buddy Groom - A's
17) Kevin Gross - Rangers
18) Eddie Guardado - Twins
19) Darren Holmes - Rockies
20) Mark Holzemer - Angels
21) Chris Hook - Giants
22) Chris Howard - Rangers
23) Bob Natal - Marlins
24) Dan Naulty - Twins
25) Warren Newson - Rangers
26) Melvin Nieves - Tigers
27) Charlie O'Brien - Blue Jays
28) Juan Samuel - Blue Jays
29) Tim Scott - Expos
30) Kevin Sefcik - Phillies
31) Jeff Shaw - Reds
32) Danny Sheaffer - Cardinals
33) Dave Silvestri - Expos
34) Luis Sojo - Mariners
35) Tim Spehr - Expos
36) Russ Springer - Phillies
37) Matt Stairs - A's
38) Andy Stankiewicz - Expos
39) Mike Stanton - Red Sox
40) Kelly Stinnett - Brewers
41) Doug Strange - Mariners
42) Mark Sweeney - Cardinals
43) Jeff Tabaka - Astros
44) Jesus Tavarez - Marlins
45) Larry Thomas - White Sox
46) Mark Thompson - Rockies
47) Mike Timlin - Blue Jays
48) Steve Trachsel - Cubs
49) Tom Urbani - Cardinals
50) David Valle - Rangers
51) Ed Vosberg - Rangers


  1. Very cool set. I always enjoyed the Leaf and Donruss Signature sets of the mid 90's, because there are a lot of autographs of players you won't find anywhere else.

  2. I'm seeing this post 5 years later, but do you still have dupes of any of these? Specifically, Luis Sojo.

    1. Just saw this and yes I have a Sojo. contact me at soskinfamily at yahoo dot com.
