Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Hagerstown Flying Boxcars

I went to Lancaster last night to get the visiting Hagerstown team I wanted 8 players and was able to get all 8 pregame so was a good autograph night items included 8x10's, Cards & 3x5's and players are listed and pictured below a total of 25 autographs.

  1. Manny Corpas - 3x5.
  2. Joe Palumbo - Rangers Logo.
  3. Nick Gardewine -  Rangers Logo & 3x5.
  4. Justin Williams - 2 8x10's & 3 cards.
  5. Eury Perez - 6 Cards.
  6. Edubray Ramos - 3x5.
  7. Mike Kickham - 6 Cards.
  8. Curtis Terry - 3 Cards.

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